ANTB22H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Estrous Cycle, Inequity Aversion, Francine Patterson

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4 Mar 2011

Document Summary

F i nal exam apr i l 29t h sw 309 2-5pm cumu lat ive. some questions found only in the textbook! Pic of homadraysas bamboo neck -biting the female. Chimps kiss on the mouth open and closed. may provide information about estrus and whether she has mated. contact calls (to maintain troop cohesion)- ring tailed lemurs meow like a cat. Long calls (loud calls)- often given by males gibbons and siamangs loud call: advertisements (mate attraction, territoriality (helps in group spacing) Slide cognition: apes out-perform monkeys and prosimians. Slide tools as weapons: capuchin monkeys throwing sticks or branches as weapons. Slide tool use for food: www. notesolution. com: chimpanzees use spears to hunt galagos, female preparing tool (spear) took spear and stabbed the tree hole and that"s how they hunt other primates. Slide tool use for food 2: chimpanzees fishing for ants and termites.

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