ANTC17H3 Lecture Notes - Homo Erectus, Bipedalism, Orangutan

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6 Jul 2012

Document Summary

Two apes in africa and only one in. Not accepted by everyone: thought that we were closer related to. Indonesia: haekle - anatomist looking to find "missing link" in far east. Got onto the trip by becoming an anatomist, took a post at a military hospital in indonesia, eventually began looking for fossils. Femur indicates bipedalism, skull remains indicates a large brain. Found pieces of skulls as well as a mandible that was missing the canines. Indications of a large brain case and a large jaw with very modern dentitiion. Dentition didn"t work functionally, large canines make it unable to move jaw side to side. Not buried in the same place or at the same time. Ape like skull, but too big of a brain and foramen magnum indicating bipedality. Rejected because most common thought was big brain, then bipedalism; taung child indicated the other way around. Extreme dryness leading to forest fires and death of forests.

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