ANTC61H3 Lecture 11: Lecture 11

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our relationship with parents, socially formed relationships. biological to social categories of mother and father naturalized. reproductive technologies forces to relook at these meanings of motherhood and fatherhood. biology of creation (process of procreation) creating kinship. Notion of kinship to link social and biological. displace other ways of understanding human relationships. Divergent ways of representing people collective, clans, extended families have different consequences and model of relatedness. biological relatedness of kin through common ancestor. diff. models of conception anchor diff. models of paternity. Multiple acts of sexuality with diff. partners to procreate to find father, can use dna test. Sharing food ex: breast milk related, therefore if become a couple by someone you shared milk, means incest not biological relation, but social. Legal sanctions involved what constitutes the family notion of family intersects with multiple domains. Thompson studies arts culture in the making relationships not stable.

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