ANTC23H3 Lecture Notes - Golden Lion Tamarin, Common Chimpanzee, Bonobo
Document Summary
an adaptive trait or behaviour increases an individual"s reproductive success (rs) relative to other individuals in the population: example: mate-guarding, and sexual jealousy in humans. reduced reliance on smell (visual communication more important) have slower life-history than prosimians (take more time to sexually mature, live longer, have longer gestation lengths) pygmy chimpanzees (make love, not war) (pan paniscus), bonobos. Alpha individual in a group is - some groups have an alpha female always a male - copulation used in many contexts (to lessen www. notesolution. com. copulation used strictly in a reproductive tension in a group, to reconcile, as a greeting) context. groups usually have at least 1 silverback male: silverbacks are usually the oldest, most dominant group males. males have cheek flanges that females lack. once thought to be monogamous, but extra-pair copulations (epc) occur. most live in multi-male, multi-female groups; a few are pair-bonded.