ANTC23H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Bonobo, Sexual Coercion, Hominidae
Document Summary
Anthropoids: we are anthropoids, lemurs, prosimians, general traits. Reduced reliance on smell (visual communication more important) Life history slower life history than prosimians. Take more time to sexually mature, live longer, have longer gestation lengths: apes. Lesser apes -> gibbon, siamangs: common chimp. Don"t use sex as a form as reconciliation: pygmy chimp females get treated a lot better. Could be good true and false question. Same sex can be sexually attracted to each other lessen tension. Sex used as greeting: gorillas found in single-male multi-female and multi-male, mutli- female groups. Silverbacks are the oldest most dominant group males: need to know genus/species name, orangutan (pongo) intense male/male competition. Males large in body size compared to females forced copulation. Sometimes it"s forced copulation female very small females usually go along: gibbons/siamangs. Sometimes male sneak off/sometimes females would: new world monkeys. Smaller bodied than old world monkeys (baboons, macaques) *look at slide: old world monkeys.