ANTC23H3 Lecture Notes - Sifaka

87 views1 pages
6 Jul 2012

Document Summary

How many copulations v. how many viable offspring produced. Male rs is limited by access to mates. Female rs is limited by access to resources (food, water, etc. ) Females typically don"t have a problem finding mates. Problem is having resources to go through pregnancy, childbirth, etc. Males have a higher potential reproductive rates than females. Males limited by number of females available for insemination. Unequal partitioning of rs among individuals in a population - reproductive. Some males sire many offspring, some sire none. Sexual selection is: a form of natural selection acting on variation in the ability of individuals to compete with others of their own sex and to attract members of the opposite sex. Can result in secondary sexual characteristics relating to competition for mates (ie. body size, tooth size, weaponry) and primary sexual characteristics relating to competition for mates (ie. shape, size, etc. of reproductive organs, sperm count, copulatory plugs) Inter-sexual selection [typically aesthetic or social, non-direct competition]

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