ASTA01H3 Lecture 12: Lecture 12--14, Study Guide
Document Summary
117 earth days to get 1 venusian solar day. It takes 243 days to rotate 360 degrees. 225 days in one ear: orbit. almost circular: atmosphere: dense and thick clouds, impossible to see surface. surface temperature is about 730k hotter than mercury, whole planet is hot unlike mercury due to atmosphere. solid cloud bank 50km 70km above surface. atmosphere is mostly co2, clouds are sulfuric acid. 93 times the mass of the earth atmosphere. runaway greenhouse effect just keeps getting hotter and hotter: magnetic field and internal structure. no magnetic field due to absence of plate techtonics. has a dense metallic core: surface mapping. was mapped by radar during magellan mission. surface covered with volcanoes, mountains, chasma, highlands, coronae and arachnoids. rotation is opposite (sun rises west and sets in east) 2 continent like features: ishtar terra and aphrodite.