ASTA01H3 Lecture Notes - Positron

105 views3 pages
11 Feb 2012

Document Summary

Image created by pointing at one direction for a certain time then moving slightly and recording then plotting it in map. Solar constant amount of sun"s energy reaching earth is 1400 w/m2. This will continue through 10 billion years producing 3x10^13 j/kg. Nucleus 1 + nucleus 2 nucleus 3 + energy. Mass turned into energy e=mc2: like-charged nuclei get close enough to fuse eachother. Only happens in high temperature over 10 million k. Proton + proton deuteron + positron + neutrino. Positron is like electron but positive charge. Neutrino has no charge and very little mass. It is annihilated by collision with an electron resulting in a gamma ray. Second step is formation of isotope of helium. Final step: 2 helium -3 isotopes forms helium 4 and energy. Gamma rays produced as byproducts of collisions at stage , ii, iii. Electrons are freed during proton proton collision.

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