BIOA01H3 Lecture : lecture 5 for BGYA01
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Now i want to continue our discussion of how dna directs cellular activity. Dna does not directly control cellular activity, instead it acts indirectly through other molecules. Last class we looked at how dna is used as a template to make rna in a process known as transcription. All three types of rna are needed to make protein, but only mrna encode the information for the sequence of the amino acids. Now that we have looked at transcription it is time to turn begin to think about how mrna encodes the information to make protein. The process of making protein is called translation. We already know that proteins are polymers, and that the monomer units are the amino acids. We already know that there are twenty different amino acids, each different amino acid with its on unique r group, (as illustrated in table 3. 2, page 43). Every different protein has its own shape, size and biological function.