BIOA01H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 13: Ribose, Guanine, Adenine

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BIOA01H3 Full Course Notes
BIOA01H3 Full Course Notes
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Chemical rules and physical laws that hold for living and nonliving systems. Components of a nonliving and living can be found in both. Example: earth"s crust consists mainly of oxygen and silicon and living organisms are made up of oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen. Total energy of the universe is constant. Degree of disorder in the universe increases. Higher level or organization would appear to violate the second law it is prevented by the release of heat. Some of the energy is released as heat increasing the entropy in the environment, thus the total entropy in the cell + environment increases. Cells are the simplest self-replicating entity that can exist as an independent unit. All organisms are made of either a single cell or an ensemble of cells. Atom : a dense central nucleus made up of positively charged protons and neutrons. Atoms can combine with one another to form molecules held together by .

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