BIOA01H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Aldose, Ketose, Peptide

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Topic 1: the molecules of life and biological macromolecules. How do we differentiate living things: complexity with precise spatial organization, ability to respond to the environment, reproduction, evolve. There are chemical rules and physical laws in living and non-living systems: It is transformed from one form to another. The total energy in the universe is always constant. The simplest self-replicating entity that can exist as an independent unit of life. All organisms are made of either a single cell or an ensemble of cells. Animals and plants lie on the eukaryote branch. Which one of the following is a characteristic of all living organism and all nonliving material: subject to the basic laws of chemistry and physics. The atom is the fundamental unit of matter. Atom: a dense central nucleus composed of positively charged protons and electrically neutral protons, the negatively charged electrons surround the nucleus. Atomic mass is the number of protons in an element.