BIOA01H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 15: Microsoft Onenote, Gram Staining, Crystal Violet
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We know a lot about eukaryotes but not so much about prokaryotes https://onedrive. live. com/edit. aspx/documents/biology?cid=4612573e81e7633b&id=documents&wd=target%28september. one%7caa4f95b0-28e4 1/12. Including extreme habitats too hostile for most organisms (not for eukaryotes) Remarkable diversity, dominant domains of life on earth. Appear simple in structure compared to eukaryotic cells. Have the greatest metabolic diversity of all organism. Classified into 2 domains that differ in structure, physiology, and biochemistry: bacteria, archaea. Share some cellular features with bacteria, some with eukaryotes, and some unique. Difficulty in how we normally classify them in physiology bc they don"t fit in. Many live in very extreme conditions that no other organism can survive. Three common cell shapes: sphere (coccus, rod (bacillus, spiral (spirillus) https://onedrive. live. com/edit. aspx/documents/biology?cid=4612573e81e7633b&id=documents&wd=target%28september. one%7caa4f95b0-28e4 2/12. Biology - microsoft onenote online: many bacterial species names depict their shapes, obv. Diameters in the range of 1 to 10 um. Capsule (outside the cell wall, encapsulates all the membrane layers) Dna packed into area called nucleoid (not surrounded by plasma membrane)