BIOA01H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 21: Light-Independent Reactions, Atp Synthase, Absorption Spectroscopy
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Temperature and ph affect enzyme activity: temperature. Secreted enzymes may be optimal outside of neutral range ph affects charged groups in amino acids of enzyme. Reversible phosphorylation of proteins is central mechanism of signal transduction. In the presence of phosphates, dephosphorylation reaction takes ~10 milliseconds~ Calculated that in the absence of enzymes, this reaction would take 1 trillion years to occur. The energetic, metabolic & cellular basis of life. Def: conversion of carbon dioxide into organic molecules using light energy. Occurs in photoautotrophs (auto = self, trophos = feeding) Many photoautotrophs use water, co2, and light energy. Photoautotrophs produce carbohydrate and o2 (not all) https://onedrive. live. com/edit. aspx/documents/biology?cid=4612573e81e7633b&id=documents&wd=target%281. 1%20october. one%7c788e3535-300c-4b77 2/13. Many people thing that photosynthetic plants are the primary producer of carbohydrates and. More than half of the o2 produced on earth is by other producers that are not plants. Def: conversion of carbon dioxide into organic molecules using light energy https://onedrive. live. com/edit. aspx/documents/biology?cid=4612573e81e7633b&id=documents&wd=target%281. 1%20october. one%7c788e3535-300c-4b77 3/13.