BIOC14H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Sickle-Cell Disease, Genetic Marker, Adrenoleukodystrophy

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20 Apr 2019

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Pku progression can be altered with diet) factors: examples, examples, huntington, phenylketonuria, adrenoleukodystrophy (ald, blood type, sickle cell anemia, height, intelligence, alzheimers, autism, ocd, cardiovascular disease. Polygenic traits: traits that are influenced by multiple genes. Quantitative traits are influenced by multiple genes (loci) which have relative subtle (additive) effects on the phenotype. Quantitative trait locus (qtl): various loci that contribute to quantitative traits: regions of the chromosome that hold genes associated with a given trait, examples: iq qtl, height qtl, anxiety qtl, can be one loci or multiple loci. Qtl"s contribution to a given trait (hypothetical example. A and b will contribute to obesity, a and b does not contribute to obesity. (neither are dominant) Assuming parents are heterozygotes (aabb) you get 9 phenotypes and the more contributing allele, Imagine you two hypothetical genes, a and b, controls ability to gain weight. higher chance of obesity. The distribution is also termed gaussian distribution, you also get a normal distribution curve.

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