BIOC32H3 Lecture 14: Sensory Physiology 2.docx
Document Summary
Stimulus enters nasal cavity stimulates free nerve endings in olfactory epithelium signal sent to olfactory bulb (under forebrain) follows down the olfactory tract. Stem cells in epithelial layer replace broken down olfactory cells every 2 months. *note: tracts of primary neurons form the olfactory nerve cranial nerve 1 from the primary olfactory neurons (olfactory receptor incoming information in the olfactory neurons to the amygdale and hippocampus triggers emotion and. Olfactory receptors are concentrated in the olfactory epithelium: dendrites- extend to olfactory bulb, terminals- line the epithelium. Each terminal is embedded in mucus lining: support cells- maintain primary sensory neuron functions. Odorant molecules dissolve and penetrate mucus to bind to odorant receptors. Each odorant receptor is sensitive to many odorant molecules. The stimulations are integrated and the strongest smells stimulate primary neurons most rapidly and are sent to the olfactory cortex. On it"s way to the olfactory cortex, primary neuron inhibits neighboring neurons in the olfactory system.