BIOC32H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 18: Acetyl Group, Preganglionic Nerve Fibers, Exocytosis

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9 Jan 2015

Document Summary

Part of the peripheral nervous system; ans + enteric nervous system (digestion) + somatic motor division (skeletal) Involuntary movements in the body e. g cardiac muscle movements, smooth muscles of internal organs, adipose (fat) tissue, endocrine system (hormones) Most internal organs - under antagonistic control by the ans e. g sympathetic increases heart rate, parasympathetic slows heart rate; sympathetic decreases digestive system function, parasympathetic increases digestive system function. Exceptions to the antagonistic rule: sweat glands: solely sympathetic, male sex reflex: two autonomic branches work co-operatively blood flow to penis parasympathetic; muscle contraction ejaculation sympathetic. Homeostasis -> maintained by preservation of internal /external environment and balance between the ans branches. Brain structures of ans: hypothalamus- water balance, temperature, and hunger, pons- respiration, cardiac, and urination, medulla- respiration. Spinal reflexes controlled outside the brain include: urination, defecation, and penile erection. *note: spinal reflexes do not require sensory input.

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