BIOC32H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Vestibular System, Tympanic Duct, Vestibular Nerve
Document Summary
Olfactory neurons receive signals from their free nerves (simple) when clustered are called the cranial nerve i. Stem cells replace these nerves every 2 months. There are dendrites on the surface that extend to the olfactory bulb, and they have terminals that line the epithelium that are embedded in mucus lining. There are 1000 genes for odorant receptors, which encodes for 3-5% of the genome. Odorant molecules dissolve/penetrate in mucus lining and attach to a receptor. Free nerves (cranial nerve i) : trigger a g-protein coupled mechanism o. Increase of camp levels that open up na2+ channels in the nerves causing depolarization. Has taste cells 50-150 in each taste bud that are accompanied by supporting cells o. Only the tip protrudes in the oral cavity, it has microvilli that detect ligands that are dissolved by mucus. 2 types of taste cells (not neuron) o o. Presynaptic cells release serotonin to the primary gustatory neuron.