BIOC51H3 Lecture : Readings 2 notes

110 views3 pages
11 Aug 2010
Readings 2
pgs 37-49
-according to the bible, species are unchanged since their creation and variation within each
type is limited
-the theory of special creation has two components
-the first component ]}(o]u}µZv}(o]([Z]}Ç
-the claims are that ~í]}v[ZvPZPZ]u (2) they were created
independently and (3) they were created recently
-the second component identifies the process that is responsible for producing the pattern
which is a creator
-Darwin set two objectives when he published his famous book: to marshal evidence on the
fact of evolution and to identify natural selection as the mechanism responsible
-Lamarck, before Darwin, advanced the notion that all species are derived by gradual evolution
from other species
-He claimed the process was driven by the inheritance of acquired characteristics and by an
inherent tendency for all organisms to progress from simple to complex forms
-although the idea of evolution was under discussion for decades, Darwin convinced the
scientific community that it was true
-Alfred Wallace independently discovered natural selection
-natural selection was not widely accepted as the mechanism of adaptive evolution until the
the development of population genetics over the next three decades
-Population genetics merged with natural selection to explain evolution
-the living evidence for descent with modification comes in two forms
-the first form is by monitoring natural populations, we can directly observe small changes,
referred to as microevolution
-the second form is the dramatic change in the bodies of animals, referred to as
(refer to soapberry bugs example on pg. 40)
-vestigal structures are useless versions of a body part that has an important function in other
closely allied species
-the evolutionary interpretation of vestigial structures is that certain animals are descended
with modification from ancestors that had these structures full formed and functional
-vestigal traits also occur in the molecular level
-the fact of extinction was good fossil evidence of evolution
-Cuvier found fossil records of larPv]uoÁZ]Z}µov[µ}Z]ZZ
organism were still alive today
-creationists contend that species had perished in a series of floods akin to the biblical event
-fossil and living organisms in the same geographic region are related to each other and are
distinctly different from organisms in other areas
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Document Summary

According to the bible, species are unchanged since their creation and variation within each type is limited. The theory of special creation has two components. l2 2 k (2) they were created independently and (3) they were created recently. The second component identifies the process that is responsible for producing the pattern which is a creator. Darwin set two objectives when he published his famous book: to marshal evidence on the fact of evolution and to identify natural selection as the mechanism responsible. Lamarck, before darwin, advanced the notion that all species are derived by gradual evolution from other species. He claimed the process was driven by the inheritance of acquired characteristics and by an inherent tendency for all organisms to progress from simple to complex forms. Although the idea of evolution was under discussion for decades, darwin convinced the scientific community that it was true. Natural selection was not widely accepted as the mechanism of adaptive evolution until the.

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