BIOD26H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Endothelium, Human Microbiota, Immunosuppression

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And why do they difer: albicans, locaion: naturally in human lora. Systemic infecions include: brain, kidneys, heart, lungs, liver: state: hyphal (natural), yeast (for virulence, infecion: immunosuppressed. Steps adhering to microlora /the come up/: adhere, iniiaion (microcolonies from germ tubes + hyphae), maturaion (increase of bioilm, melanin incl. ) *zinc can inhibit this, dispersal (in yeast form to other environments) The change from hyphae to yeast is considered to be a highly regulated dimorphic mechanism, regulated by ras1 that controls two pathways: cph1-mediated mapk, efg1-mediated camp. Steps to adhering to endothelial lining /moving from mucosal to submucosal/: yeast germinates/penetraion, presorpion, or indiced phagocytosis. Key players for this are adhesins and enzymes. Steps to transmigrate into circulaion /become systemic/: endocytosis, destroy endothelial cells by hyphae extension, translocate between endothelial cells (by adhesion molecule switching), become phagocyized and released into circulaion, or transmigrate through fenestraion (kidneys).

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