BIOD27H3 Lecture 19: BGYB30H3 Lecture 19 Notes Endocrinology 2-Nov 12
BGYB30H3 Lecture 19 Notes
-steroid hormones are only made in the adrenal gland, gonads, and placenta in the smooth ER
-steroid receptors cause slow cellular responses through binding to cell or nuclear receptor in
the cells
-receptor hormone complex binds to DNA to regulate more genes that cause protein synthesis
-parathyroid glands are located behind the thyroid glands
-pituitary and pineal glands are located near the hypothalamus in the brain
-adrenal cortex secretes
x aldosterone: which controls water and sodium retention in kidneys
x glucocorticoids
x sex hormones
x alpha cells secrete: glucagon
x beta cells secrete: insulin
-thyroid glands secretes
x T3 and T4 hormones: control metabolic rate, growth and development
x calcitonin: decreases blood calcium
-parathyroid secretes
x PTH: increases blood calcium
-thymus gland controls the immune system
-pineal gland secretes
x Melatonin: influences circadian rhythms, inhibits sexual behaviour and stimulates
immune system
-endocrine reflex pathways involve simple reflex
-endocrine cell acts as a sensor and integrator
-in reflex pathways, response leads to inhibition of endocrine cells
-PTH cells are linked to GPCR that bind to calcium
-when plasma calcium falls, PTH secreted into the blood to decrease calcium in the bones
-anterior pituitary is a true endocrine gland that secretes 6 hormones
-posterior pituitary is an extension of neural tissue that secretes hormones from the
Document Summary
Steroid hormones are only made in the adrenal gland, gonads, and placenta in the smooth er. Steroid receptors cause slow cellular responses through binding to cell or nuclear receptor in the cells. Receptor hormone complex binds to dna to regulate more genes that cause protein synthesis. Parathyroid glands are located behind the thyroid glands. Pituitary and pineal glands are located near the hypothalamus in the brain. N aldosterone: which controls water and sodium retention in kidneys. N t3 and t4 hormones: control metabolic rate, growth and development. N melatonin: influences circadian rhythms, inhibits sexual behaviour and stimulates immune system. Endocrine cell acts as a sensor and integrator. In reflex pathways, response leads to inhibition of endocrine cells. Pth cells are linked to gpcr that bind to calcium. When plasma calcium falls, pth secreted into the blood to decrease calcium in the bones. Anterior pituitary is a true endocrine gland that secretes 6 hormones.