BIOD54H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Committee On The Status Of Endangered Wildlife In Canada, Minimum Viable Population, Local Extinction
Document Summary
Challenges to the conservation of uncharismatic microfauna: the case of the pugnose. Shiner in canada: freshwater fish species at risk in canada, species at risk act, the pugnose shiner, freshwater fish species at risk in canada. Freshwater fish richness is concentrated in southern canada, particularly in. This is particularly daunting since most civilization or urbanization is located at those areas. Richness calculations are also based on sampling efforts thus may not fully represent the overall distribution of freshwater. Freshwater species at risk, by cosewic and sara assessments (cosewic-species, Sara-species, cosewic-du, sara-du), are concentrated in between endangered to not at risk. These species at risk are concentrated in the same areas of freshwater. Examples of species at risk are ciscoes, short-jawed (zenithicus) ciscoes are extirpated in the great lakes, except for lake. Superior, and deep-water (hoyi) ciscoes are extirpated in ontario. Examples of endangered species are the northern madtom in the detroit river, redside dace in.