CHMA10H3 Lecture Notes - Ideal Gas Law, Partial Pressure, Hydrogen Peroxide

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CHMA10H3 Full Course Notes
CHMA10H3 Full Course Notes
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Law of multiple proportions- dalton; when two elements form two different compounds the mass of element b that combines with 1g of element a can be expressed as a ratio of small whole numbers: Mass ratio of carbon dioxide is 2. 67:1, therefore 2. 67g of oxygen reacts with 1g of carbon to form carbon dioxide. Carbon monoxide has 1. 33g of oxygen to every 1g of carbon so the ratio is 1. 33:1. Mass of oxygen to 1g of carbon in carbon dioxide/ mass of oxygen in carbon monoxide=2. J. j thomson- using cathode ray tube observed that cathode rays travelled from cathode to anode. He found these particles travelled in straight lines, were independent of the composition of the cathode material and carried a negative electrical charge. Thomson measure the charge to mass ratio of the ray particles and found they were 2000 times lighter than hydrogen discovery of the electron.

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