CHMB41H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 14: Benzene, Chalcogen, Carboxylic Acid

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We mentioned that objects or molecules have handedness. Objects that are not superimposable on each other are called chiral objects. Another way to determine if the object is chiral or not is to look at the line of symmetry. Ex: car: you can draw a line in the middle and the right and the left sides would be identical to each other which means there is symmetry in the molecule/compound. Object that has symmetry you can fine a line that cuts the molecule in half and one side is equivalent to the other then that subject is achiral. Chiral objects: ex: hand, ears, inside of a car, don"t have symmetry. Achiral objects: ex: chair, fork, cup, superimposable on their mirror image, there is plane of symmetry cutting them in half. Fill in first line stereoisomers : have same connectivity and same formula but different in 3d space, these can be subcategorized into enantiomers, disomers or geometric isomers.

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