CLAA05H3 Lecture 3: Lecture 3 of the course
Document Summary
Creation and the flood: creation of the gods, the universe and human kind. Creation myths help explain the origins of: gods. Forms of worship: the natural world (cosmos) >the relationship of humans with the gods and the cosmos: the human condition. >why people must suffer and die: cultural institutions (sumerian: me) theogony: an account of the genealogy of a group or system of gods. cosmogony: a theory regarding the origin of the universe. cosmology: an account of theory of the nature of the universe. aetiology: looking at the causes or reasons for something. > the euphrates river flows through the centre of the world. Incest taboo is almost universal among societies, but often occurs in myths because there is a limited population of gods or humans for procreation. Entirely different theogony from epic of creation-> local traditions endured. Tablets, but from and earlier tradition (early 2nd mill. ) older babylonian version had marduk as hero.