EESA06H3 Lecture 11: Environmental Challenges
Document Summary
Watersheds and ecosystems (rivers are hardened only flows straight, more flashy, less groundwater, more flooding. Wastes (nuclear, municipal, industrial etc) landfills out of sight out of mind . Remediation of contaminated sites clean them up, ground fill sites use horse manure. Radon gas uranium to lead, invisible = lung cancer etc. from granite and shales. Environmental impact of resource extraction and energy supplies coal/gold mining, quarrying, Scope of environmental geo sciences protecting humans from natural hazards. Providing resource security iron, coal, gold etc. Helping society adjust to global change the way in which the planet is evolving naturally. Providing reliable information for planning and environmental decision making - Public health and safety radon, medical geology. High costs of us & china & japan = as urban areas get bigger, more susceptible to hazards. Welcome to the anthropocene: the epoch of man . Rapid harming, replacing permeable surfaces with hard asphalt - Began with the invention of the steam engine.