EESA06H3 Lecture 2: EESA06 LEC 2

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20 Apr 2019

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Magnetic stripes" on the ocean floor and wander paths" for continents: 1965 (fred vine) Oceans*), they were a recognition that you can put all the continents together which was called pangea: pangea consists of: & africa) and not so much in north america. Striation: deep scratches left by ice sheet flowing over the surface and carrying debris on the bottom of the sheet, you can map these striations from ancient ice sheets. If you reassemble the continent, it makes sense. Magma forced to the surface continuously and they were pushing the old, cool magma aside. That was the driving force for pushing the crust away and is called sea floor spreading. Here we have earth and we see the magnetic fields are the only things that deflect these high energy wave particles coming out of the sun. It"s the shield that surrounds out planet and protect the ozone layer from being stripped off.

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