EESA06H3 Lecture : Lecture 2
Document Summary
The deepest mine in the world is 4km underground, any deeper it will be too hot, hole will begin to close due to temperature and movement. Geophysics application of physics to the world. Fault plane surface (between moving bocks) which blocks have moved, we feel as an earthquake. Focus is where the energy is released, the t rigger of the earthquake, always underground, can predict how much damage it can do how deep down the focus is. epicenter directly above the focus on the earth"s surface. seismic risk assessment gauge any movement along any fault, looks at fault scarp. Fault scarp cliff, bluff, the steep slope that results after earthquake (ex: 1891. Fault trace fairly straight lines, many river valleys along traces of faults: morphological what shapes on earth"s surface created by faults. not all faults create earthquakes, some creep don"t result in earthquake, the lock ones create earthquakes.