EESA06H3 Lecture 4: Lecture 4.docx

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12 Apr 2012

Document Summary

Continue reading chapters 1-4: mid-ocean ridges: modern and ancient (ophiolites, transform faults, volcanic activity under glaciers jokulhlaups, geothermal energy. Iceland: waling over a mid-ocean ridge if you understand plate tectonic, you"ll understand the meaning of life. This weeks quiz is about what i"m going to say today. In terms of oceans our expiration of the planets ocean basins, oceans just like you and me. They start off small and today were going to see them grow, mature and the classic example is the atlantic ocean. Now i choosen the atlantic because we can go to a place called iceland and we can walk over the middle of the ocean. It"s exposed above sea level, dry, we can study the volcanoes and we can use this information to see the processes that"s going on below the rest of the ocean. Figure 2. 2 shows the the reverse process at the bottom.

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