EESA10H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Permanent Press, Radioactive Decay, Mesothelioma

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20 Jan 2017

Document Summary

The smog was the result of coal burning because of cold weather. Sulphuric acid dissolved in water causing them to have shortness of breath. The peak in the number of deaths coincided with the peak in both smoke and sulphur dioxide pollution levels. Landmark in air pollution and solutions for it. After december 15th the stagnant air was pushed around by winds and the gases were diluted. British government started to design and implement air pollution regulations. Monsoons did not arrive on time causing man made fires to continue to expand and burn and release large amounts of gasses until monsoons had arrived. Chronic bronchitis: occurs when an excessive amount of mucus is produced in bronchi which results in a lasting cough, so2 and smoking is related to chronic bronchitis. Pulmonary emphysema: weakening of the wall of alveoli, they become enlarged and loss their resilience, shortness of breath is the primary symptom, no2 is related to emphysema.

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