EESA10H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Indoor Air Quality, Great Smog Of London, Tropospheric Ozone

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This case study represents the landmark in air polluion smog was the result of coal burning. That winter in 1952 was colder than usual and so ppl started heaing their homes more; almost all heaing systems at that ime used coal (which has a signiicant amount of sulfur) That winter also comprised of very stagnant air (i. e. air that didn"t move and was heavy), so the gases that arose from the coal burning remained in that stagnant air. Smog became so thick ater some period of ime; ppl felt like they were being choked by the sulfuric acid (sulfur dioxide) which is soluble in water and causes the burning sensaion in your throat. Besides this coal heaing, all industries used coal as an e source; so all of these sources of coal in combinaion with the weather, resulted in the huge conducion of sulfuric acid. The relaionship between smoke and sulfur dioxide polluion and deaths during the great.

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