EESA10H3 Lecture Notes - Pentachlorophenol, Geomorphology, Ion Exchange
Document Summary
Too much water is used for conventional use flushing toilet (30%), showering (35%), laundry (20%), drinking. Water and your health: we are in desperate need for help drinking water and swimming water. Eesa10h3 s: ground water reservoirs can be very small or extremely huge, there is one ground water reservoir in the u. s. thousands of metres deep underground that runs in 6 states. If we withdraw all this water more than can be naturally replenished that water reservoir will shrink and it will not last forever. Chlorination of drinking water; its benefits and risks (assignment 1: the most common disinfectants used for as infection of the water are chlorine, chloramines and hypochlorite all about chlorination, could be different chemicals not just one. If you see cepa that is the canadian environmental protection agency: this agency does a lot of work regarding different issues setting standards for soil, water based on their research, epa sets standards for approximately 90 chemical contaminants.