EESB18H3 Lecture Notes - Scarborough Bluffs, Water Content, Mass Wasting
Document Summary
Mc: memorization is not good, test understanding of the concepts. Numerous factos typically come together to produce a mass wasting event. The most important ones are : water saturation is the single most important factor in mass wasting. It canresult from heavy rain, rapid snowmelt, seasonal freezing, leaking of water or sweage lines, poor drainage. Water saturation weakens rock by building up pore pressure and by lubricating contacts between particles: reduction of slope strength by weathering, by burrowing animals, or by water infiltration. The jan 2005 landslide at la conchita occurred on the site of an earlier landslide. Steep slopes, previous landslide activity, geology suitable for landslides, episodes of prolonged and intense rainfall. 2: changing global climate patterns increasing variability in precipitation. The tallest tsunami ever inferred occurred in lituya bay, alaska 1958. The forest was destroyed up to 518m above sea level. The tsunami was generated by a rockfall which was triggered by an earthquake.