EESB18H3 Lecture Notes - Mid-Ocean Ridge, Continental Crust, Oceanic Crust

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6 Feb 2014

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Bent and folded rock layers in the himalayan mountains were distorted by the collision of two tectonic plates. Movements of the earths tectonic plates create more of the major geologic features of this planet, including earthquakes, volcanoes, mountain chains etc and play a major role in driving climate, ocean and atmospheric circulation and evolution. Large impacts early in earths history were sufficient to melt the planet. In the molten earth, density fractionation drew molten iron into the centre of the earth and the ices leaked towards the surface, resulting in the oceans and the atmosphere. Gravitational setting of iron released more heat melting the rocky portions of the crust, resulting in the fractionation of the crust and mantle. The result was an earth with an iron core (which sank to the middle because it was heavy), rocky crust and mantle, and a thick atmosphere and large ocean. The lithosphere is not a continuous layer, but is broken up into plates.

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