EESB18H3 Lecture Notes - Magma Chamber, Plate Tectonics, Convergent Boundary

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Occurs in water saturated soils and rock when ground shaking cause the water saturating the pore spaces to well up and out of the ground, causing the upper layer of the ground to behave as a fluid. For this to happen, the particles that make up the soil are packed relatively inefficiently. Reclaimed soils are esp vulnerable to this because of the nature of the fill and because it tends to be saturated with water (man made land) Other areas that are vulnerable are sensitive clay on slopes. It is strong clay that become weak when it is disturbed. Their distribution and chemistry are closely related to their plate tectonic setting. Mankind has been on the receiving end of volcanism for millennia. Oldest known picture of an erupting volcano ca. Activity is controlled by plate tectonics, because plate movements related to where sources of magma originate inside the earth.

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