ENGA10H3 Lecture Notes - Deferral
Document Summary
Religion why are we here, why are we born, why do we die (not faith). Conflict occurs when different modalities do not share equal power differentials. *the quality of your modality is the quality of the life that permits you. Losing modality losing ability to occupy space and place (rem losing my religion) Mental illness inability to function between modalities. Auden: 20th century is the age of anxiety. Morality r u o i v a h e. Morality- wouldn"t do something because it affects god; commandments. Ethics- do something because others don"t approve; suggestions. How do we tell when people are good, bad, right, wrong, who is behind the face. Modernity how to complete self when self is insatiable. Zombies our sense of want, we don"t have enough, desperate to fill void. We live in a world of deferral it"s going to happen, i"m going to have it. Mythology sustains modality follow modality because you believe mythology.