ENGA10H3 Lecture : October 13
Document Summary
N responsible for stories of dubliners, 8-9 stories. N dover beach, second coming, picture of dorian gray and heart of darkness. N plot questions, how did dorian gray try to kill the painting. N part 1: plot oriented, one or more characters, N 3 or 4 short questions from the poems and short stories. Lost of transcendental certidutue, issues of power, ritual and addicition, vampiric soul, congo, heart of darkness, N sisters: different ages how they organize their reality. N the sisters are relieved that the priest is dead. N he tries to restore his faith by quizzing the boy. N father flynn uses the boy to stabilize his faith. N being a priest was the only job that got paid. N gnomon, simony and paralysis are all in the stories www. notesolution. com. N so committed to the myth of deferral. N one wants to know because they lack something.