ENGB03H3 Lecture : ENGB03.docx

81 views1 pages
22 Apr 2013

Document Summary

Once you hear once upon a time you automatically assume the end will be happily ever after . Author has the most ability to manipulate to the reader. An author means to write and has to be a professional. The author is the text and the text is the author. The way we decribed the pocket king was referenced to many other texts. To give a capital a in author it gives it a limit, that what is said is correct and there is no other explanation. God has a capital g, the end no questions asked. The author creates a message wheras a dancer/singer expresses a message. Writing is not authentic, it is a lot of things and quotations coming together. Middlemarch is not written victorian england, it was written in 1820-30s. Dip between 4 and 5 and, calms the situation down and then 5 is an even bigger complication.

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