ENGC51H3 Lecture Notes - Cliffsnotes
Document Summary
(pg 193) passage: the map sort of restricts her and erasing the borders of it shows that she"s free and doesn"t have to take on or adhere to identity of her father. Being the agent of her own identity as well as the outcome of how others perceive her. So the map is designed by her and the external world. There is in fact no map because people keep moving. She"s building this map out of her memory there"s no real visual aspect to the map. She"s trying to get closer to palestinian root but also at the same time trying to detach herself. Bruises of her beatings she will always remember the weight of the relationship between her and her father. There is not just one map but a multiplicity of maps mom and dad each try to trace their own map. This novel takes the coming of age to a new genre.