Evaluating The policies and procedures used to safeguard assets,ensure accurate business information, and ensure compliance withlaws and regulations.Internal Control of Coins, currency (papermoney), checks, money orders, and money on deposit that isavailable for unrestricted withdrawal from banks and otherfinancial institutions.Cash
The following procedures were recently installed by RaspberryCreek Company:
1)After necessary approvals have been obtained for the paymentof a A special form for recording relevant data about a liabilityand the details of its payment.voucher, the treasurer signs andmails the check. The treasurer then stamps the voucher andsupporting documentation as paid and returns the voucher andsupporting documentation to the accounts payable clerk forfiling.
2)The accounts payable clerk prepares a voucher for eachdisbursement. The voucher along with the supporting documentationis forwarded to the treasurer's office for approval.
3)Along with petty cash expense receipts for postage, officesupplies, etc., several postdated employee checks are in the Aspecial cash fund to pay relatively small amounts.petty cashfund.
4)At the end of the day, cash register clerks are required touse their own funds to make up any cash shortages in theirregisters.
5)At the end of each day, all cash receipts are placed in thebank's night depository.
6)At the end of each day, an accounting clerk compares theduplicate copy of the daily cash deposit slip with the depositreceipt obtained from the bank.
7)All mail is opened by the mail clerk, who forwards all cashremittances to the cashier. The cashier prepares a listing of thecash receipts and forwards a copy of the list to the accountsreceivable clerk for recording in the accounts.
8)The The analysis that details the items responsible for thedifference between the cash balance reported in the bank statementand the balance of the cash account in the ledger.bankreconciliation is prepared by the cashier, who works under thesupervision of the treasurer.
Indicate whether each of the procedures of internal control overcash listed above represents (1) a strength or (2) a weakness.