GASA01H3 Lecture : You're welcome
Document Summary
The kind of questions on final exam is likely to be similar to the discussion questions. Sanskrit (ancestor of modern european and indian language) rise of traditional indian culture major scientific achievements, especially in mathematics. Guptas dynasty collapse by white huns, indian contact with the west. respect for learning and education, study of vedas. weak political power, fragmented governance, allows elite to freely think and express themselves. Shang dynasty debate whether or not this is the first chinese dynasty, currently considered the first. Zhou dynasty slave rebels and rebellion put an end to shang. born during the second half of zhou dynasty. Qin dynasty first chinese empire, unified china. Imperial system, efforts to consolidate power and centralize control. Han dynasty rebellion, lead to fall of qin. retention of the qin system, expanded territory. han legalism softened with common sense, confucianism government to serve its people of han.