GGRA03H3 Lecture Notes - Cultural Landscape, Strip Mall, Longhorn Beetle

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Asks what is the total area of difference ecosystem types to produce the input and dispose of all wastes of a given city. Wackernagel and rees measured everything in terms of land area. Imagine a city enclosed in a dome how big would the dome have to be to allow all inputs to be produced and all wastes to be disposed. High transit use = less energy per capita. Knowing the supply and what amount being consumed. Energy, food, wood, cement, glass, steel, water, etc. There are about 1. 5ha of productive land per capita in the world, and canadian (4. 3ha) and. Us(5. 1ha) per capita footprints are much higher than their global share. Basically we"re over-consuming my 3times, if everyone consumed at our rate then we"d be out of resources. Toronto needed 280 times its own area to produce the supply and absorb the waste.

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