GGRA03H3 Lecture : You're welcome
Document Summary
megacities contain 9% of the world population. rapid growth of number of megacities, 2 in 1950, in 2007 there are 19. by 2050, projected there will be 27 megacities. In the past, the definition was once 4 million, then 8 million. no reason to think that there isn"t a qualitative change from 8 or 10 million. but there is difference between 1 or 10 million. plato thought 50000 is the ideal size, any size larger, people won"t know each other. at 50000, it is possible for everyone to know each other and get involved politically. In 20th century, when a city goes over a certain level, diseconomies of scale would dominate. Increase cost, reduce efficiency, leading to slower growth www. notesolution. com. diseconomies of scale is impossible to tell. all of the factors are expected to grow with city size. Increase business cost, reduce infrastructure investment, roads, etc.