GGRB28H3 Lecture : Notes
Document Summary
Image 3: devastation in africa, aids at its deadliest, Image 4: aids makes orphans, aids-africa, children in poverty, children vulnerable, in need of support. Image 5: africa, to do with aids, a group protesting for against aids, a campaign, protesting against government and pharmaceuticals for better aids medicine and protection. Idea is to suggest that all ideas have geography. When we think of poverty, india comes to mind. When we think of terrorism, afghanistan comes to mind. every idea that comes to mind relates to geography. In west it is the idea of: masculine, rational, democratic, progressive. In east it is the idea of: feminine, irrational, despotic, timeless. Focused on third world women lives and their struggle. Focused on similarities between women in third world. believed that women need to be saved by western fiminists ideas. Pakistan is categorized as a middle east country because of geological policies.