GGRC02H3 Lecture 3: Week 3 Lecture Note
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Professor will put a study guide online by beginning of next week for midterm exam, content of midterm exam consists of all sessions prior to midterm exam, essay due on march 2nd. Week 3 fertility causes poverty, r ight: population growth is determined by three factors: fertility rate, mortality rate, and net immigration, net immigration = immigration emigration, if positive, then would have net immigration. Population pyramids 1994: three patterns of population change, rapid growth: kenya. 50% of population is 15 years of age or younger: slow growth: united states. amount of young people in us, canada, or germany, are much smaller than in countries like kenya, nigeria, or uganda. baby boomers caused the bump in the middle of the graph, was caused by numerous children born after the war, and was before contraceptive period. there were more baby boomers in us than in germany because were more prosperous.
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