HISB31H3 Lecture 9: lecture 9

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3 Nov 2010

Document Summary

New balance of power system for europe created by bismarck. Include germany within the new balance of power (1870-1890) Themes of the system - allies with russia and austria, prevent a two front war, had. Civil rights leader - believed the rights to black people would still be discriminated. Wanted to send slaves back from america to africa (back to africa movement) Prevent or localize conflict - so it won"t spread to the rest of europe. "lasted as long as bismarck was in office and then began to unravel" War between france/italy and prussia which led to german unification. Defeated france -- strongest european power of its day. Germany begun to go through second industrialization of europe - became. Peace terms of the war created problems for bismarck to the system. 3 out of 15 dates, events, people"s names, conflicts. 1870: what where when why who stronger. Phases/periodization (western front of wwi: august - november 1914.

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