HISB31H3 Lecture 16: Lecture 16
Document Summary
British india (administered a subcontinent as a single colony) India (~1600-1858) ruled by british east india company as "commercial enterprise" similar to husdon"s bay company. Ruled on the periphery as they were trading - began to work inland. Mutiny 1857 (in north) brought a halt to the rule by company/ direct rule to 1947. Grouped diverse peoples together under a single authority/customary law. * expanded to ceylon (sri lanka) by madras presidency from 1795-1798. became crown colony separate from india (1798-1948) - sri lanka (1948) Became part of the colony, separated as crown colony burma (1937-1948) Different in terms of size, diversity, british desire to rule. Attempt to impose french-like solution to create a single administration over a diverse population. Tried to impose singularity by language (english) * education is a system of propaganda (in order for it to work, has to be uniform, stressing basis, medium of instruction/transferring ideas) Utilitarian point of view (good for the most)