HISB31H3 Lecture 17: Lecture 17

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3 Nov 2010

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After 1857, areas that were non-british direct control were absorbed into larger british areas - bombay, madras, calcutta, began to expand. As result of the mutiny, direct british control fostered a sense of distain in indian culture & response of indian national movement. Influenced growth and served as a model for future: transformation of identity unity expression. What exactly was an "indian" as national expression. Settle on and create an identity that was pan-indian. [regional national particularist (lesser in terms of hierarchy) patriotic] Affiliated and associated solely in a regional way, but aim to spread to national scale. Agrarians try to expand people"s regional and particularist identities. Pan-identity is usually the lowest common denominator (smallest similarity: dialogue with the raj (for political rights) Become spokesperson with the raj (british colonial power) Congress" first job = create indian-ness for it to represent the nation.

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