HISB31H3 Lecture 19: Lecture 19
Document Summary
Military affairs was so large that it encompassed within hands of army. Government control in hands of monarchy/executive were almost collapsing. Wanted to continue to be in charge of the government/retain control but did not. What led to the collapse of the government as a result of post-versailles events. In/after wwi, government was organized to collapse. November 10, 1918 - social democrat (sd) - centre-left. Monarch head of state was not in control of german government. German high command had been in charge. When high command realized that they could not win wwi, allowed monarchy to collapse. Popular, germans could not have won wwi, army organized armistice (found scapegoat) government wanted a scapegoat to take them out of the war want to be blamed. March 13, 1920 - kapp putsch (still under army control) Allies may come in and restore government/monarch if upheaval.