HISB31H3 Lecture : Lecture 21
Document Summary
Small nazi party in austria internally to destablize government. Had them openly declare that they wanted anschluss with germany. Hitler is extremely shrewd, cunning, successful in getting what he wants through consensus/diplomacy. Diplomatic coup - anschluss (austria) without firing a shot. should not have happened according to versailles (but was against self determination of peoples) Included in the third reich of germany. Munich (sudentenland in czechoslovakia) - northwest area = ethnically german minority but was never included in germany. If i could include a group of germans into germany, why not all. French, italians, and british got together to decide on fate of czechs. [this territory would be detached and incorporated into germany. Czech territory annexed by germany erased credibility with britain. Question of when the allies decide when the war is on. Germans seized port memel (lithuania) -- wanted coastline up to soviet union to secure coastline to be free from sanctions/blockade.