HISB31H3 Lecture : Lecture notes week 9
Document Summary
N burma, nepal, and sri lanka were all ruled as part of india. N gandhi was responsible for african national congress, called indian-african national congress. N inspiration fourth aspect of congress it had to create a direction in the minds of future leaders in that, the congress was influenced by many people in history. S garibaldi (young italy) inspired congress to realize the nation garibaldi led many of the movements that brought italy its independence. S sinn fein (ireland) home rule/independence direct comparison to another british colony, but most importantly a white colony. S lenin (soviet union) secular, socialist, multicultural as of 1905, things like the worker strikes and the overthrow of the tsarist government in 1917 were big influences. N gandhi moved that from the political movement to the cultural and inclusive movement. N gandhi"s notions were different from lenin and sinn fein"s movement.